BUSH / CHENEY ERA CARTOONARY RW Spisak Cartoonist - I remember Abu Gharib
RW Spisak Cartoonist - Weapons for our Saudi
RW Spisak Cartoonist - Bongs for Freedom
RW Spisak Cartoonist - The Bush Wheel of Lies
 - W as torturing cowboy
RW Spisak Cartoonist - Cheney has turned to the Dark side
RW Spisak Cartoonist - Donot Pass War

Do Not Pass War...

RW Spisak Cartoonist - You don't Torture for her
RW Spisak Cartoonist - the Court limits lawful listening by Bush & Co.

Of course this was back in 2006

RW Spisak Cartoonist - Newtzilla opposes the great society
RW Spisak Cartoonist - Bush dares Congress to Impeach him
RW Spisak Cartoonist - Pull the Liars into a Circle
RW Spisak Cartoonist - Irony - All life is Sacred
RW Spisak Cartoonist Mukasey - AG MIA
RW Spisak Cartoonist - Stopping the Investigators
RW Spisak Cartoonist - Play nice with the Prisoners

RW Spisak Cartoonist - Militant Librarians

The FBI called a Press Conference to Announce that Militant Librarians
were a GREAT THREAT to Democracy

RW Spisak Cartoonist - Names don't hurt me?

This one was Rumsfeld - but you can substitute your Favorite War-monger!

RW Spisak Cartoonist - the War on Terrorism is a Lie
RW Spisak Cartoonist - Secrecy is fun!
RW Spisak Cartoonist what props are holding up the Bush Regime
RW Spisak Cartoonist the whole problem isn't Sadam
RW Spisak Cartoonist - Whitehouse spooks listen to everything
RW Spisak Cartoonist - Plans revealed by torture

These cartoons were all created by RW Spisak during the BUSH-WAR-FEVER.
You know many of these problems will be with us until they (the Criminal Bush Administration)
and their political heirs are prosecuted.